Boroughs of Sao Paulo
The City of São Paulo is divided into 31 boroughs.
Each borough is divided into several districts (in most cases, two or three). The borough with the greatest number of districts is the borough of Sé, in the historical downtown, with eight districts (Sé, República, Consolação, Santa Cecília, Bom Retiro, Bela Vista, Liberdade and Cambuci). In second place are the boroughs of Lapa, with six districts (Lapa, Perdizes, Barra Funda, Vila Leopoldina, Jaguara and Jaguaré) and Moóca, also with six districts (Moóca, Tatuapé, Belém, Pari, Brás and Água Rasa). The peripherical boroughs of Jabaquara and Ermelino Matarazzo have only one district.
Curtis is in the city of Sao Paulo, burough of Mooca, district of Belem.
You should put a picture of the mission boundries up here somewhere
By Anonymous, at 2:51 PM
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