"Holy" Shoes

"My foot was literally rubbing on the road."
Curtis told me he had worn out his shoes walking around Brazil. Here's the picture to prove it.
"My foot was literally rubbing on the road."
"You were talking about that pond by the Post Office. One time me and Zac and Jordan were floating on the raft, Zac with his fly pole out making art out of fishing, Jordan talking on his cell phone to Jessica, and me sitting back and looking up at the clouds, thinking of how cool life really is. And isn't it? One time at the pond Jordan fell off the raft into that water. I don't know if you saw the water up close but it is horrid. I think Jordy wanted to walk to the hospital afterwards to make sure he didnt have any life threating diseases. Also, one more funny Jordan Wilson/Post Office pond story. Once me and him caught a few catfish in that pond and put them in a bucket and took them to Jordans house. His dad, Tim, instantly gutted one and fried it up. We didn't know what to do with the others so we released them in Birch Creek. We made up a story of them mutating really huge and eating all the kids that play down at Glassman Park. Sweet huh?"
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
"Also, with the Jones Turkey Soda, me and my buddy Jordan Wilson got that stuff once and I think Jordan may have thrown up. I don't remember."
"This is Elder Costa, Michelle, and I before her baptism outside of the Centro da Estaca Guarulhos, or the Guarulhos Stake Center. It was so sweet! Nothing is like it in the world. The day was just way happy and exciting and now Michelle is a member of the True Church. We went over there the other night for a Family Home Evening and made French Toast (a USA original!) and this pineapple juice that's made by boiling the "skin" or "crust" or "shell" (???) of the pineapple and then adding like a gallon of sugar. It's sweet. But yeah, enough about juice, the baptism was a good one."
Audio Part 1 | Audio Part 2 | Audio Part 3 |
"Yesterday we had Zone Conference with Elder Mervyn B. Arnold of the Seventy. He was mission president in Chile a few years back, now President of the Brazil South Area. So he was speaking a mix of Spanish, Portuguese and English to us. But man, that guy lives for missionary work. I learned so much from his training."
"Guarulhos and Sao Paulo are huge cities, but we don't work in the city part of the city, you know? Like say we were working in SLC, which is about the same size as Guarulhos, the area we occupy would be like, West Jordan, out by my brothers house. Just houses and houses and houses. Seriously. But our area is really small and the huge international airport in the middle of the city takes up quite a large chunk of space. The area where I got hit is just a normal neighborhood, which at times has the completely random crazed drunk teenager hitting missionaries with Fiats."
"Last week was Dia dos Mortos, or in English, Day of the Dead. It's when everyone goes to the cemetaries and leaves flowers and tries to make supernatural contact with deceased persons. It's like our Memorial Day but a little more strange. We just worked like normal."
"He is going crazy on contacts and teaching in this area. We are for sure tearing this place open and spreading the word and the work. Elder Costa is from Minas Gerais and has been a member of the Church for 2 years and is way good at the work already. And if he keeps it up, he may just convert everyone here. He is the Bom Clima Revolution, that's for sure."
"Yeah, that's a funny joke. Today I have like 15 months left on the mission. But the best thing to do is not think about it and right now I'm enjoying it so much that leaving never crosses my mind. Not that I forget you guys, just physically leaving Brazil doesn't. We do have lots of planes fly over though. It's crazy."